Are you a maximiser or a satisficer?

This week, I spent the best part of 3 hours deciding on some clothes hangers last week. (Here's me and the eventual product just hanging out. 😎)


Ok, maybe this particular situation isn't entirely relatable - if it is, maybe TikTok should hire me as their algorithm overseer - but I'm absolutely certain the thought process behind it is. And that thought process? Maximisation.

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Appreciation is Gratitude with Enthusiasm

Nowadays its fairly commonplace to hear talk of the importance of gratitude, and how regularly practicing it can be a game-changer for mindset (which it absolutely can, as science suggests gratitude could improve stress levels, reduce pain, help with depression and have physical health benefits too.) Much less frequently, however, do we hear people extolling the virtues of appreciation with the same amount of fervour. Why? Our reporter (me) investigates (muses).

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Ellie Kime
Hiya - I'm Ellie, and I'm a writer

I’m also an enthusiast, which is probably how most of you know me first and foremost. And - as a lot of us have - I’ve been doing a looooot of existential crisis-ing this past year; about who I am, what I do, and where I want to be in the future (just the small things to be pondering during a global crisis, hey?)

With the help of time, space, and some brilliant conversations with even more brilliant people, it has become apparent to me that being a writer is central to my identity. Now, I wrote full manuscripts to publishing houses when I was 12, and I’m a literal copywriter by trade - I said I was enthusiastic, not self-aware - and though I love it and can’t really imagine ever not doing it, I’d never thought of writing as that big a part of who I am.

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Ellie Kime
Where Enthusiasm Fits In In the Workplace & Job Hunt, with Hanna from As We Are

Hanna is a careers and leadership coach who believes that we’re brilliant as we are - geddit?! - and set up As We Are to make the world a better place via diverse leaders and happy workplaces. We’ve done a blog swap today to discuss how enthusiasm and work intersect, so if you’re currently looking for employment and want to know where enthusiasm fits in - this is for you!

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The joy of 'Saw this and thought of you'

Literary legend has it that one day, out for lunch at the Algonquin Hotel, Ernest Hemingway bet a table full of prolific writers that he could write a good story in just 6 words. They had their doubts, they placed their $10 bets, and he hit them with what has now become a famed example of the power of words (‘For sale: baby shoes, never worn’). Since then, it’s become a famous prompt for writers, seeing who can fit the most emotion into just six words. My offering to the party is not only the best six word story, but also, I think, some of the best six words you can ever hear: SAW THIS AND THOUGHT OF YOU.

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Ellie Kime
Enthusiasm doesn't mean you're flighty or fickle

If you’ve been on instagram for maybe 7 minutes, you’ll have definitely seen at least 1 if not 10 posts about talking to yourself with kindness, and taking extra caution with the words you’re using to describe yourself. The reason they’re so prevalent is because they’re 100% true - the circle of what you’re telling yourself feeding into what you believe is just as much the circle of life as the gazelles and the giraffes at Pride Rock are.

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Is enthusiasm realistic in this day and age?

In short: yes. It’s really important to me that enthusiasm isn’t confused with blind, baseless positivity, or an irritating inability to be annoyed. You can still be enthusiastic whilst being royally pissed off that your parcel was chucked over your hedge instead of left in your safe place, and you can still be an enthusiast whilst feeling despair at a certain situation. This is especially true in a world like today’s, which can feel scary more days than it feels safe.

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