Posts tagged how to find joy
S2, E2 / Zena Birch: Celebration, A Sense of Occasion, and Finding Joy in Everything (Even the devastating)

TODAAAAY I am joined by one of my favourite people in the entire world: Zena Birch, Humanist Celebrant.

Zena is a bottle of champagne in human form: effervescent, bubbly, luxurious, and one of the greatest things in life. It's quite daunting writing this description, because her way with words is so marvellous: and I loved listening to them as she gave a super honest and beautifully, generously raw insight into her enthusiasm for tradition, communing, creating a sense of occasion, and being alive and getting older.

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S1, E11 / Tamu Thomas: Everyday Joy, Roller-Skating and Mid-Life Crises? More Like Mid Life Remembering

Today, I have the guest of all guests gracing The Enthusiast & Co podcast! I am absolutely honoured to be chatting to Tamu Thomas, founder of Live Three Sixty - transformational somatic coach, inspirational speaker and writer. Tamu prioritises joy as a verb, not a noun, and encourages us to seek it in the everyday, working particularly with women around the age of 40 to reclaim their joy and start living. She's also incredibly real about how it sits with the other, gnarlier, parts of the human experience, and how it all fits together. Whether you're 40, 24, 84 or anywhere in between, I defy you not to feel inspired by her and her downright wisdom today - enjoy!!

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