Posts tagged writer
S2, E3: Olive Pometsey: Writing, Dancefloors and Friends and Family

Olive Pometsey is currently the Junior Digital Editor at British GQ, and her writing is some of my very, very favourite. Whether she's bringing us takes on culture, technology, fashion, or Mariah Carey - all important cornerstones of modern life, don't @ me - her brilliance seeps through every line. I loved chatting to her about her journey into writing, her love of dancefloors and festivals, and the importance of friends and family keeping us grounded and connected.

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S1, E8 / Sasha, Frank + Feel: Self trust over self doubt, writing, and creativity and curiosity

If I may say so myself, today's episode is brilliant: a soothing balm and fire up your backside all in one. And I can say that myself because actually, it's nothing to do with what I brought to the table, and instead everything to do with what my incredible guest Sasha brought to the table. Sasha is the founder of Frank + Feel, where she serves us RemindHers and uses her incredibly captivating words to - in her own said words - 'encourage women to live lives steered by self-trust over self-doubt, shrinking, settling or sacrifice'. It was an absolute honour to chat to Sasha about self-doubt, being enthusiastic about multiple different things and being enthusiastic about championing other people, too.

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